When it comes to writing code, people often overlook the importance of writing clean code and tend to focus only on getting their code to run correctly. While this may make things easier for them in the short term, it ultimately makes things harder for them further down the road. Not only will writing clean code improve the readability of one’s code, but it will also improve the quality of the code being written. As important as the functionality of code is to programming, the style of coding used should also be seen as equally important.
One of the first key steps to writing clean code is to find a coding style that both yourself and others who read your code can understand well. There are many popular coding styles that people use to write code. Choosing one of these will help you to conform to the coding standards that other people have. It is not only important to implement a coding style, but also to stay consistent when using it to write code. Staying consistent with how you write code will help to avoid any confusion when reading it. By following these steps to making your code more readable, other people who read your code will have a much easier time understanding what it is that you are writing. This is especially important when you are working with multiple people on a coding project. Even if your code runs perfectly, how useful is it really if no one else but you is able to understand it? Writing clean code ensures that other people, not just yourself, can easily debug and maintain the code.
A second key reason for maintaining a standard of coding is to give yourself a heightened sense of admiration for your code. By increasing the cleanliness of your code and making it look “nice”, you will take more pride in your work and become more satisfied with your finished product. This will in turn lead to you producing better quality work because of the higher standards you have set for yourself. Also in the case where your code does not function properly, at least you can say that your code looks exceptionally well despite the errors.
These are some of a few reasons why maintaining a coding standard is important. Not only will it help yourself and others to read your code, but it will improve the quality of your work. People who do not consistently use a style of coding are limiting themselves when it comes to future situations where their code will be looked at and analyzed by others. By changing the way you code now in order to develop a clean style of coding, you will be doing your future self a favor by avoiding the unnecessary stress that will come with having to undo years of bad coding practices.